Title: The Material Thing is Vibrating Into the Emptiness
Year: 2019
Length: 24:12
Format: Single-channel video
The material thing vibrating into the emptiness is a video work considering the change encounter across various materialities. In this work, two phenomena of light, materiality, and time intersect. One element is comprised of winter light filters through a Eucalyptus tree, refracted through a warped 100-year-old windowpane onto the wall, on an oblique angle for a brief moment every day over a week, then it is gone. Another element is also of winter light, filtered through a different Eucalyptus, refracting through a glass on a shelf causing it to ‘bend’ around a corner and streak down the hallway wall. These moments were recorded every morning for the week and compiled together as visuals for live performance. In this production of this video, the visual was arranged to sound, and then in response, the performance is made to the visual, exploring the relationship between the two and the potential they carry in this relationship.
Thematic tags: Performance, abstraction, sound
Title: Lands Line
Year: 2015
Length: 11:09
Format: Single-channel video
This work was developed as a circular projection as visuals for live sound performance.Filmed from the back of the Taieri Gorge Train from Dunedin to Middlemarch, the video has been drawn out across frames to restrict the viewer focusing on any particular detail, prioritising the motion of moving through this valley only accessible for the train-line, time and space blurs past us. The work addresses the colonial lines we Pakeha make and follow on the landscape, following/exploiting water lines and indigenous Māori travel routes, while reflecting on the timelessness and remoteness of rural Southern Aotearoa.
Thematic tags: Landscape, environment/ecology, decoloniality, sound
Edwina Stevens (Dunedin, Aotearoa/Melbourne) is an audiovisual artist working across composition, installation and live performance focusing on synthesized sound, field recordings, found acoustic elements/instruments and obsolete media. Her work investigates audiovisual processes of engaging with places that are collaborative, improvisational and serendipitous, exploring entanglements of the temporal, material and experiential through chance encounters, tangential processes and unanticipated outcomes.