Hana Pera Aoake
Title: Sex and the city but Maaori: Under southern skies
Year: 2019
Length: 05:11
Credits: Tēnā koutou to Calse Ross, George Watson, Alex Laurie, RNZ (You still don’t give a balanced or fair representation of Māori issues though, especially Ihumātao), Bindi Irwin, Nikki Webster, Kylie Minogue and Home and Away. Arohanui and kia kaha to the kaitiaki resisting colonial violence at Ihumātao, Djap Wurrung’s sacred birthing trees, Wet’suwet’en Nation and Mauna Kea. S/o’s to the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation, whose stolen land we now stand and show work on. Tino rangatiratanga! Ake! Ake Ake!
Kōwhai emerged from an exploration of the relationship – whakawhanaungatanga – between moving image, kapa haka and waiata. Kōwhai parallels the immersive experience of my ongoing commitment to learning Te Reo Māori, exemplifying the creation of Te Ao Māori – from nothing to something – passed down through generations via ngā momo kōrero or oral storytelling.
Thematic tags: Performance, narrative, body, abstraction, new media, technology, sound, spirituality, indigenous methodologies.
Title: Looking For Love
Year: 2017
Length: 01:32
Hana Pera Aoake (Ngaati Hinerangi, Ngaati Mahuta, Tainui/Waikato) is an artist, writer and teacher based in Te Wai Pounamu on Kai Tahu land. Hana co-founded Fresh and Fruity in 2014, and is now an editor at Tupuranga journal and Kei te pai press. Hana holds an MFA from Massey and recently completed the ISP programme at Maumaus des escola artes in Lisboa, Portugal.